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Creating some space.

Week of August 14, 2006
I started a Travel Writing class this week; I am so sorry I did not listen to my Uncle Denver and start writing sooner because I am having a blast. One of the women in the class said that she plans to deduct her travel expenses once she becomes an accomplished travel writer. That's something I will definitely speak with my accountant about. To think, I could have sold articles about my trips to Paris, Prague, London, Vienna and Rome and deducted the travel expenses.

I saw the movie Lady in the Water this week. Forget what the critics have been saying. This was a good movie. M. Night Shyamalan finally deviated from his twist endings. Thank goodness because the twist in the last movie, The Village, was completely lame.

Lady in the Water is a fairy tale. Some of the terms certainly are strange (e.g. Narf), and the director certainly hammered his point home not to subtlety. However, the movie is good. I found it suspenseful and surprising. I recommend going to see it.

There are still no new hits on either my or my Yahoo! Dating online profiles. <sigh> I am glad I have plans next weekend to retake the photos. Perhaps the fact that I have lost weight and grown more hair will help draw more flies.

I started training for the marathon this weekend. It's amazing what a difference a year can make. Now that I already have one marathon under my belt, I found four miles easy to do. Last year at this time, I was quite worried.

We'll see how it goes. I still have not forgotten how emotionally and mentally drained I was after the marathon. At this point, my plan is to train up to 16 miles and only walk in half marathons. For the 2007 Los Angeles marathon, I will be meeting up with my mother at mile 13.

Week of September 18, 2006
Week of September 11, 2006
Week of September 4, 2006
Week of August 28, 2006
Week of August 21, 2006
Week of August 14, 2006
Week of August 7, 2006
Week of July 31, 2006
Week of July 24, 2006
Week of July 17, 2006